
Acharya has consistently been a pioneering force in bringing together exceptional minds from around the world, fostering collaborations with numerous renowned international universities and top industries. With these collaborations, Acharya strives to enhance higher education on a global scale. Acharya's commitment to these collaborative efforts has cultivated a dynamic and diverse academic ecosystem that enriches the educational experience for everyone involved.

These collaborations not only foster strategic alliances but also pave the way for impactful value-added programs. These initiatives serve as a bridge between academia and industry, helping students to augment their skill sets with practical insights and real-world applications. Students gain a competitive edge, seamlessly transitioning from classroom learning to the professional landscape.

Acharya has tie-ups with more than 80 international universities, providing students with invaluable international exposure. These global affiliations serve as gateways for students to engage in cross-cultural experiences, broaden their perspectives, and gain insights into diverse educational methodologies. As Acharya continues to expand its global network, the institution remains dedicated to preparing students for success in an increasingly interconnected and diverse global landscape.

Global Collaborations


Acharya's strategic partnerships with industry leaders, including Microsoft, Siemens, L&T, IBM, Google, and others, play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between academia and the industry. This collaboration enriches academic programs and creates valuable internship and employability opportunities for students within these companies.

Academic Network with Industry Associations


Acharya is dedicated to ensuring the employability and industry relevance of our students through an extensive array of both long-term and short-term value-added courses. These courses are meticulously designed to align with current industrial standards, providing students with a competitive edge in the job market. The curriculum of these courses is curated to enhance not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills, and contribute significantly to our commitment to producing job-ready graduates.

Furthermore, our partnerships with leading industry players facilitate constant updates to the value-added programs, ensuring that students are equipped with the latest skills demanded by the dynamic job market. From engaging in real-time projects to undertaking internships, students are immersed in experiential learning experiences that prepare them for the challenges of the workforce.

At Acharya, students also have access to Coursera’s extensive catalogue of courses, allowing them to undergo unlimited certification courses to enhance their knowledge.

Why value-added courses?

  • Industry-Relevant Skill Enhancement
  • Specialized Knowledge Enhancement
  • Cutting-Edge Technology Training
  • Internship and Practical Exposure
  • Global Perspectives and Certifications

Courses Offered:

  • ACCA
  • Advanced Practices in Construction
  • Amedeus (S/W)
  • Auto Desk
  • BIM for VDC and Architecture
  • Business Analytics
  • Cloud Computing
  • Cloud Operations
  • CMA
  • Cyber Security
  • Data Science
  • Digital Marketing
  • Electric Vehicle
  • IATA
  • Product Life Cycle Management
  • UX/UI design Certifications

Top Collaboration Company
