About the Program

This program is designed to provide participants with in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in Embedded Systems Development, focusing on Arduino and NodeMCU (ESP8266) platforms. The program will cover essential topics, such as microcontroller programming, sensor integration, and IoT system design. Participants will gain practical skills in developing embedded applications and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions through a combination of theoretical insights and practical projects.

Objectives of the Program

  • To familiarize with Embedded Hardware and Software environment, Cloud communication through IOT.
  • To Provide hands on experience in integrating sensors and actuators with NodeMCU and debugging.

Expected Outcome of the Program

  • Interface IO devices with node MCU in Developing Embedded system applications
  • Team building and communication skills through project based learning and presentation.

Important Dates

Event Details Dates
Important Dates 05th - 11th Mar 2025
Time 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Target Audience ECE Students
Type of program Offline
Venue DSP Lab, ECE Department

Note :

  1. No Registration Fee
  2. E-Certificate will be provided upon successful completion of the assessment during the program

Committee Members

  • Dr Rajeswari, Principal of AIT, Bengaluru
  • Dr. Marigowda C K, Vice-Principal of AIT, Bengaluru
  • Dr.Anil Kumar Ramesh, Head, R & D, Dover India Private Ltd., Bengaluru
  • Dr. S K Murthy, Patent Counsel, Intel Technologies, Bengaluru
  • Dr. H V Ravish Aradhya, Professor, RV college of Engineering, Bengaluru
  • Mr. M Venkatash, CEO, Technocarve Solutions, Bengaluru
  • Mr. Manjunath Srinivasaiah, Project Manager, Robert Bosch, Bengaluru
  • Dr. Rajeswari Principal and HOD Dept. of ECE, AIT
  • Mr. Kiran Kumar T, Assistant Prof, Dept of ECE
  • Mrs. Jothi Lakshmi Vijayan Nair, Assistant Prof, Dept of ECE

Resource Persons Details


Dr. Raghunath B H

Designation : Assistant Professor,
Department of ECE ,Acharya Institute of Technology


Dr. Pranita Niraj Palsapure

Designation : Assistant Professor,
Department of ECE ,Acharya Institute of Technology


Dr. Nataraju A B

Designation : Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Acharya Institute of Technology


Prof. Kumbhar Trupti Ravikumar

Designation : Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Acharya Institute of Technology


Prof. Roopa S

Designation : Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Acharya Institute of Technology


Prof. Jagadish M

Designation : Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Acharya Institute of Technology


Prof. Kiran G

Designation : Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Acharya Institute of Technology


Prof. Shankargouda Patil

Designation : Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Acharya Institute of Technology

Technical Team

  • Mr.Ravi Kumar H, Lab Instructor, Dept of ECE, Acharya Institute of Technology
  • Mr. Suresh Kumar T G, Lab Instructor, Dept of ECE, Acharya Institute of Technology